The Singing Fountain

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newBookmarkLockedFalling H131, Day 88, 9 AP (Open)
Stix 3 359 by exile
Oct 26, 2009 13:47:32 GMT -5


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The Singing Fountain
Landmark/Public Interest Site.
Atmosphere: A circular stone pool, fully 100 feet across, at the center of which is an enormous water basin on a great stone pedestal. Dozens of metal basins beneath catch the water spilling over from above, giving off dulcet, hypnotic tones like voices, wind instruments, and bowed strings engaged in perfect melody. The upper basin is a common roost for the gray-green pigeons of the ward, and the otherwise pure water of the fountain often sports their discarded feathers.
Keeper: Though not officially its owner, Black Marian, a Godsman and priestess of Bragi, watches over the fountain and uses it to make her livelihood. A vocalist and prophetess, Marian (a pale, flaxen-haired human who earns her epithet from her ebony-black eyes) cleans out the fountain whenever it should be clogged with litter or pigeon feathers. At random hours, she acts not only as a public entertainer, singing along with the music of the basins, but also as a diviner, interpreting a body's future for a small donation.
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